Welcome to Barikoi API. Thank you for checking a Bangladeshi location data provider API. Our API helps you to find address, geocode and reverse geocode place and city corporation information in Dhaka in our local context.
The currently listed places API's are for autocomplete, post office autocomplete, geocoding, reverse geocoding, nearby, distance & rupantor geocoder. And City Corporation API's are Ward by Geolocation, Zone by Geolocation, Ward and Zone by Geolocation, City Corporation by Geolocation services.
To access our APIs you will need an API key. Generating an API key is easy. You just need to Sign Up and select your desired package. With our api key you are now ready to use our Bkoigl js data and map.
Each API part has its own documentation. Jump to the desired API part and learn about the API through the given examples and tutorials.
Postman Collection
To run in Postman, you need to have an API key, which you can obtain from Barikoi.
Version 2
- Reverse Geocoding
- Autocomplete
- Rupantor Geocoder
- Route Overview
- Calculate Detailed Route
- Route Optimization
- Route Location Optimized
- Route Match
- Search Place
- Get Place Details
- Snap to Road
- Districts
- Subdistricts
- City With Areas
- Union
- Area
- Ward & Zone from LatLng
- Ward From Latlng
- All Ward Geometry
- Specific Ward Geometry
- Nearby API with Query Param
- Point in Polygon
- Geofencing Business
Version 1
Version 1 will be depricated after 31/12/2023, therefore it is strongly advised for everyone to switch to version 2.
For any query or tech support please mail at support@barikoi.com
Reverse Geocoding
This API endpoint performs reverse geocoding to convert geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude) into a human-readable address. It provides detailed location information including the address in both English and Bangla, along with other administrative details such as district, division, and more.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
country_code | string The two-letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) representing the desired country. Example: Default Value: |
district | boolean true |
post_code | boolean true |
country | boolean true |
sub_district | boolean true |
union | boolean true |
pauroshova | boolean true |
location_type | boolean true |
division | boolean true |
address | boolean true |
area | boolean true |
bangla | boolean true |
thana | boolean true |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/reverse/geocode?api_key=API_KEY&longitude=90.35722628659195&latitude=23.806703092211507&country=true&district=true&post_code=true&sub_district=true&union=true&pauroshova=true&location_type=true&division=true&address=true&area=true&bangla=true&thana=true'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "place": {
- "id": 6488,
- "distance_within_meters": 3.6856,
- "address": "House 8, Road 2, Block C, Section 2, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "postCode": "1216",
- "address_bn": "বাড়ি ৮, রোড ২, ব্লক সি, সেকশন ২, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "area_bn": "মিরপুর",
- "city_bn": "ঢাকা",
- "country": "বাংলাদেশ",
- "division": "ঢাকা",
- "district": "ঢাকা",
- "sub_district": "পল্লবী",
- "pauroshova": null,
- "union": null,
- "location_type": "শহর",
- "address_components": {
- "place_name": null,
- "house": "House 8",
- "road": "Road 2"
}, - "area_components": {
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "sub_area": "Section 2"
}, - "thana": "Mirpur",
- "thana_bn": "মিরপুর"
}, - "status": 200
Barikoi Autocomplete API endpoint provides autocomplete suggestions for place names based on a query string. It returns a list of matching places with detailed information including addresses in both English and Bangla, as well as geographic coordinates. Barikoi Autocomplete API is useful for providing real-time, location-based search suggestions to users as they type, enhancing the user experience by quickly narrowing down potential matches based on partial input.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
q required | string q |
bangla | boolean true |
country_code | string The two-letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) representing the desired country. Example: Default Value: |
sub_district | boolean true |
thana | boolean true |
union | boolean true |
city | string dhaka |
area | string Mirpur |
sub_area | boolean true |
post_office | boolean true |
industrial | boolean true |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/autocomplete/place?api_key=api_key&q=barikoi&city=dhaka&sub_area=true&sub_district=true'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 635085,
- "longitude": 90.369999116958,
- "latitude": 23.83729875602,
- "address": "Mirpur DOHS, Mirpur DOHS",
- "address_bn": "মিরপুর ডিওএইচএস, মিরপুর ডিওএইচএস, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "city_bn": "ঢাকা",
- "area": "Dhaka University Campus",
- "area_bn": "মিরপুর",
- "postCode": 1216,
- "pType": "Admin",
- "uCode": "PFSU6037"
], - "status": 200
Rupantor Geocoder
Rupantor Geocoder API for Developers. It formats the given address and searches for the address and gives a status if the address is complete or not. Rupantor Geocoder only supports FormData. So use FormData object to send your data. Rupantor Geocoder needs Geocode API to function properly. One Rupantor Geocoder request requires two Geocode API requests.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
q required | string shawrapara |
thana | boolean yes |
district | boolean yes |
bangla | boolean yes |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/rupantor/geocode?api_key=API_KEY' \ --form 'q="shawrapara"' \ --form 'thana="yes"' \ --form 'district="yes"' \ --form 'bangla="yes"'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "given_address": "shawrapara",
- "fixed_address": "shewrapara, mirpur",
- "bangla_address": "শেওড়াপাড়া কবরস্থান, ইস্ট শেওড়াপাড়া, শেওড়াপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "address_status": "incomplete",
- "geocoded_address": {
- "Address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "address_bn": "শেওড়াপাড়া কবরস্থান, ইস্ট শেওড়াপাড়া, শেওড়াপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "alternate_address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "area_bn": "মিরপুর",
- "bounds": "POLYGON((90.37576053 23.79175613,90.37567053 23.79184613,90.37558053 23.79175613,90.37567053 23.79166613,90.37576053 23.79175613))",
- "business_name": "Shewrapara Koborsthan",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "city_bn": "ঢাকা",
- "created_at": "2018-02-06T14:43:12",
- "district": "Dhaka",
- "geo_location": [
- 90.37567053,
- 23.79175613
], - "holding_number": null,
- "id": 221788,
- "latitude": "23.79175613",
- "location": "23.79175613,90.37567053",
- "location_shape": "POINT (90.37567053 23.79175613)",
- "longitude": "90.37567053",
- "match_freq": 10,
- "match_fuzzy": 0,
- "matching_diff": 1,
- "new_address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "pType": "Religious Place",
- "place_code": "TOLJ0109",
- "popularity_ranking": 1,
- "postCode": 1216,
- "postcode": 1216,
- "road_name_number": null,
- "score": 0,
- "subType": "Graveyard",
- "sub_area": "Shewrapara",
- "sub_district": "Kafrul",
- "sub_type": "Graveyard",
- "super_sub_area": "East Shewrapara",
- "thana": "Kafrul",
- "type": "Religious Place",
- "uCode": "TOLJ0109",
- "union": null,
- "unions": null,
- "updated_at": "2023-10-18T15:20:11",
- "user_id": 1273
}, - "confidence_score_percentage": 70,
- "status": 200
Route Overview
This API endpoint retrieves route information between two geographical points specified by their longitude and latitude coordinates. The response includes details such as the geometry of the route, distance, duration, and waypoints.
path Parameters
coordinates required | string String of format |
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
geometries | string Default: "polyline" Returned route geometry format (influences overview and per step). Expected values are, |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/route/90.362548828125,23.94107556246209;90.31585693359375,24.134221690669204?api_key={{API_KEY}}&geometries=polyline'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "code": "OK",
- "routes": [
- {
- "geometry": "bqCmhpfPdMaDqEqO`U}MiFc`BueAjZonBlGisJs_@uh@gManAeJaaBzGsZbQ}v@jsAw`@jwAqt@p`BiBtjAvZzhAga@fAmXbQoi@mmA{vA~Ly`CfE",
- "legs": [
- {
- "steps": [ ],
- "distance": 31580.5,
- "duration": 5011.5,
- "summary": "string",
- "weight": 5011.5
], - "distance": 31580.5,
- "duration": 5011.5,
- "weight_name": "routability",
- "weight": 5011.5
], - "waypoints": [
- {
- "distance": 189.684241,
- "name": null,
- "location": [
- 90.364394,
- 23.940838
Calculate Detailed Route
This API response is intended for use in applications requiring detailed route information and navigation instructions. Such applications might include: GPS navigation systems, Mapping services, Route optimization tools for logistics and delivery, Travel planning apps.These can guide users from their starting point to their destination, providing clear, step-by-step directions, estimated travel times, and costs associated with the journey.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
type required | string type |
country_code | string The three-letter country code (ISO Alpha-3) representing the desired country. Example: Default Value: |
profile | string Enum: "bike" "motorcycle" "car" The mode of transportation profile for calculating route time and information. Default Value: Accepted Values:
Note: The route time and information will vary based on the selected profile. |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
required | object | ||||
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request POST 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/routing?key={{API_KEY}} &type=vh' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "data":{ "start" : { "latitude":23.791645065364126, "longitude":90.36558776260725 }, "destination" : { "latitude":23.784715477921843, "longitude": 90.3676300089066 } } }'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "trip": {
- "locations": [
- {
- "type": "break",
- "lat": 23.791645,
- "lon": 90.365587,
- "original_index": 0
], - "legs": [
- {
- "maneuvers": [
- {
- "type": 1,
- "instruction": "Drive north.",
- "verbal_succinct_transition_instruction": "Drive north. Then Bear left.",
- "verbal_pre_transition_instruction": "Drive north. Then Bear left.",
- "verbal_post_transition_instruction": "Continue for 40 feet.",
- "time": 1.011,
- "length": 0.006,
- "cost": 1.238,
- "begin_shape_index": 0,
- "end_shape_index": 1,
- "verbal_multi_cue": true,
- "travel_mode": "drive",
- "travel_type": "car",
- "street_names": [
- "60 Feet Kamal Soroni Road",
- "60 Feet"
], - "summary": {
- "has_time_restrictions": false,
- "has_toll": false,
- "has_highway": false,
- "has_ferry": false,
- "min_lat": 23.784703,
- "min_lon": 90.365201,
- "max_lat": 23.791915,
- "max_lon": 90.3676,
- "time": 97.969,
- "length": 0.58,
- "cost": 257.358
}, - "shape": "w`ckl@_hnjkDyD`A{EtKgCfD`AjA~@j@rADxKsA|FkAfPsHh@mDkCsLi@cCnP}GjGoChEkCbUiItNcDjMwApI}@d[eApF[|GM|MgBhTgHlTmIx^mGr]iDhSoBvWKzIEbZoEtTwEhFy@|\\\\{IrGaC"
], - "summary": {
- "has_time_restrictions": false,
- "has_toll": false,
- "has_highway": false,
- "has_ferry": false,
- "min_lat": 23.784703,
- "min_lon": 90.365201,
- "max_lat": 23.791915,
- "max_lon": 90.3676,
- "time": 97.969,
- "length": 0.58,
- "cost": 257.358
}, - "status_message": "Found route between points",
- "status": 0,
- "units": "miles",
- "language": "en-US"
}, - "id": "test_route"
Route Optimization
This api provides routing details from source to destination points. Additional waypoints can also be included in order to get more precise routing experience. Maximum 50 waypoints can be included as additional points. Content-Types:application/json should be attached to the request header in order to match the correct request format.
Note: Waypoints will be sorted based on given id in ascending order.
Request Body schema: application/json
object | |
object | |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
- Python
- Node
{- "hints": {
- "visited_nodes": {
- "sum": 58,
- "average": 11.6
}, - "info": {
- "copyrights": [
- "GraphHopper",
- "OpenStreetMap contributors"
], - "took": 5
}, - "paths": [
- {
- "distance": 1846.266,
- "weight": 147.083907,
- "time": 147071,
- "transfers": 0,
- "points_encoded": true,
- "bbox": [
- 90.371276,
- 23.739795,
- 90.375323,
- 23.746345
], - "points": "c{|oCacrfPh@hA~B~ErCcBrGwD`Bw@rOkGDNyKtEiChAmIxE~@fB_AgB_L~GK[d@Y",
- "instructions": [
- {
- "distance": 0,
- "sign": 5,
- "interval": [
- 0,
- 0
], - "text": "Waypoint 1",
- "time": 0,
- "street_name": ""
], - "legs": [
- null
], - "details": [
- null
], - "ascend": 0,
- "descend": 0,
- "snapped_waypoints": "c{|oCacrfP??h@hArGzB|AtBeM`C"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "hints": {
- "visited_nodes.sum": 50,
- "visited_nodes.average": 10
}, - "info": {
- "copyrights": [
- "GraphHopper"
], - "took": 0
}, - "paths": [
- {
- "distance": 1846.266,
- "weight": 147.083567,
- "time": 147071,
- "transfers": 0,
- "points_encoded": true,
- "bbox": [
- 0
], - "points": "c{|oCacrfPh@hA~B~ErCcBrGwD`Bw@rOkGDNyKtEiChAmIxE~@fB_AgB_L~GK[d@Y",
- "instructions": [
- {
- "distance": 0,
- "sign": 5,
- "interval": [
- 0
], - "text": "Waypoint 1",
- "time": 0,
- "street_name": null
], - "legs": [ ],
- "details": { },
- "ascend": 0,
- "descend": 0,
- "snapped_waypoints": "c{|oCacrfP??h@hArGzB|AtBeM`C"
Route Location Optimized
Location sorting api takes a set of locations with additional payload attached with each location considering the first one as the source and the last one as the destination. It returns with the sorted location set that was provided considering the distance between the locations in Kilometers from source to destination. Maximum 50 locations can be attached in a row. Content-Types:application/json should be attached to the request header in order to match the correct request format.
Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects | |||||||
Request samples
- Payload
- Curl
- Python
- Node
{- "sorted_waypoints": [
- {
- "point": {
- "lat": 24.439648,
- "lon": 90.731277
}, - "additional_payload": [
- {
- "address": "Kishoreganj Thana"
], - "index": 1
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "sorted_waypoints": [
- {
- "point": {
- "lat": 24.439648,
- "lon": 90.731277
}, - "additional_payload": [
- {
- "address": "Kishoreganj Thana"
], - "index": 1
}, - {
- "point": {
- "lat": 24.440899,
- "lon": 90.771103
}, - "additional_payload": [
- {
- "address": "Monju Villa, House 1244, Hossainpur Road, Nogua"
], - "index": 2
}, - {
- "point": {
- "lat": 23.74608583,
- "lon": 90.37368
}, - "additional_payload": [
- {
- "address": "House 36, Road 9/A"
], - "index": 3
}, - {
- "point": {
- "lat": 23.74577034,
- "lon": 90.37338898
}, - "additional_payload": [
- {
- "address": "House 38, Road 9/A"
], - "index": 4
}, - {
- "point": {
- "lat": 23.74441997,
- "lon": 90.37290861
}, - "additional_payload": [
- {
- "address": "Dhanmondi, Road 8/a"
], - "index": 5
], - "status": 200
Route Match
Route Match API endpoint performs map matching, which aligns a series of GPS points to the road network. It returns the matched route geometry, including the coordinates and type of geometry, as well as the total distance of the matched route. Route Match API is useful for snapping raw GPS points to the most likely road paths, providing more accurate and meaningful routes, especially for applications in navigation and tracking.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
points required | string Example: points=90.38436119310136,23.7267599142696;90.38438265469962,23.726622279057658 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/routing/matching?points=90.38436119310136,23.7267599142696;90.38438265469962,23.726622279057658&api_key=<BARIKOI_API_KEY>'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "geometry": {
- "coordinates": [
- [
- 90.384425,
- 23.726761
], - [
- 90.384427,
- 23.726622
], - "type": "LineString"
}, - "distance": 15.5,
- "status": 200
Search Place
This API endpoint searches for places that match a given query string. It returns a list of matching places, including their addresses and unique place codes. This API is useful for searching and retrieving detailed information about places based on a given query string, which can be helpful for location-based services, mapping, and navigation applications.
Note: Each request to this API generates a new session ID. The session ID is crucial for testing and tracking API interactions. Make sure to include the session ID in Get Place Details API request to ensure proper functionality.
query Parameters
q required | string q |
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/api/v2/search-place?q=barikoi&api_key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "address": "Barikoi HQ (barikoi.com), Dr Mohsin Plaza, House 2/7, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "place_code": "BKOI2017"
], - "session_id": "eec76e23-481f-4060-8959-df5db6219126",
- "status": 200
Get Place Details
This API endpoint retrieves information about a specific place identified by the place code (in this case "BKOI2017") from the Barikoi platform. It returns essential details such as the address and geographic coordinates of the requested place, which can be useful for various location-based applications or services.
Note: It requires the place code for the desired location and utilizes the session ID generated from the previous Search Place request for maintaining session continuity.
query Parameters
Place Code required | string true |
api_key required | string API_KEY |
session_id required | string true |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/api/v2/places?place_code=BKOI2017&api_key={{API_KEY}}&session_id=8d6a20cb-e07d-4332-a293-d0cf0fce968e'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "session_id": "8d6a20cb-e07d-4332-a293-d0cf0fce968e",
- "status": 200,
- "place": {
- "address": "Barikoi HQ (barikoi.com), Dr Mohsin Plaza, House 2/7, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "place_code": "BKOI2017",
- "latitude": "23.823730671721",
- "longitude": "90.36402004477634"
Snap to Road
Snap to Road API endpoint retrieves the nearest point on the road network to a specified geographical point (latitude and longitude). It returns the coordinates of the nearest point and the distance from the specified point to this nearest point. Snap to Road API is useful for finding the closest road location to a given geographic point, which can be used in various applications such as route planning, geofencing, and location-based services.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
point required | string Example: point=23.80474653651567,90.36288913339376 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/routing/nearest?point=23.806525320635505,90.36129978225671&api_key=API_KEY'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "coordinates": [
- 90.36288583910802,
- 23.80475086627028
], - "distance": 0.5866113852736488,
- "type": "Point"
Districts API endpoint retrieves information about districts that match a given query. It returns a list of matching districts, including their names, IDs, and geographical center coordinates.Districts API is useful for retrieving detailed information about districts, including their geographic center, which can be used for mapping and spatial analysis.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
q | string q |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/districts?q=khulna&api_key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 34,
- "name": "Khulna",
- "center": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[89.447847757,22.470878222]}"
Sub-districts API endpoint retrieves information about sub-districts that match a given query. It returns a list of matching sub-districts, including their names, IDs, associated districts, and geographical center coordinates.Sub-districts API is useful for retrieving detailed information about sub-districts, including their geographic center, which can be used for mapping, navigation, and spatial analysis.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
q | string mirpur |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/sub_districts?q=mirpur&api_key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 340,
- "name": "Mirpur",
- "district": "Dhaka",
- "center": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[90.361755984,23.794160142]}"
City with Areas
Cities API endpoint retrieves information about cities that match a given query. It returns a list of matching cities, including their names and associated areas within each city. This API is useful for retrieving detailed information about cities, including the areas within each city, which can be helpful for location-based services, mapping, and addressing.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
q | string Dhaka |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/cities?q=Dhaka&api_key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "name": "Dhaka",
- "areas": [
- {
- "name": "Moghbazar"
}, - {
- "name": "Dhaka Cantonment"
}, - {
- "name": "Gendaria"
}, - {
- "name": "Sher E Bangla Nagar"
}, - {
- "name": "Tejgaon"
}, - {
- "name": "Banasree"
}, - {
- "name": "Dakkhinkhan"
}, - {
- "name": "Mohakhali"
}, - {
- "name": "Joldhaka",
- "areas": [
- { }
], - "status": 200
Unions API endpoint retrieves information about unions that match a given query. It returns a list of matching unions, including their names, associated sub-districts, IDs, and geographical center coordinates. This API is useful for retrieving detailed information about unions, including their geographic center, which can be used for mapping, spatial analysis, and addressing purposes.
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
q | string Dhaka |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/unions?q=Dhaka&api_key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 1440,
- "name": "Dhaka Dakkhin",
- "sub_district": "Golabganj",
- "center": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[92.035110667,24.811296741]}"
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/area?api_key=API_KEY&latitude=23.863233589986915&longitude=90.41347324848176'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "area": "dakkhinkhan",
- "status": 200
Ward & Zone from LatLng
path Parameters
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/ward/zone/90.418619474572/23.83136348674859?key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "ward": 7,
- "ward area": "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[90.366213, 23.815692], [90.366953, 23.812939], [90.367616, 23.810559], [90.367781, 23.809919], [90.367905, 23.809467], [90.368214, 23.808347], [90.368475, 23.807438], [90.368488, 23.807388], [90.368568, 23.807089], [90.368485, 23.807074], [90.367573, 23.806866], [90.366942, 23.806706], [90.366865, 23.806684], [90.366787, 23.806672], [90.366232, 23.80652], [90.365963, 23.806441], [90.365687, 23.806311], [90.365108, 23.806016], [90.364421, 23.805636], [90.363533, 23.805096], [90.362932, 23.804733], [90.362015, 23.804151], [90.360848, 23.803413], [90.35955, 23.802584], [90.358351, 23.801803], [90.357756, 23.801423], [90.357077, 23.800988], [90.356745, 23.800775], [90.356026, 23.800323], [90.355967, 23.800281], [90.355285, 23.799847], [90.355065, 23.800176], [90.35476, 23.800618], [90.354457, 23.801035], [90.353916, 23.801826], [90.353375, 23.802613], [90.352968, 23.803212], [90.352523, 23.803857], [90.352153, 23.804365], [90.351777, 23.804927], [90.351689, 23.80518], [90.351641, 23.805388], [90.351569, 23.806026], [90.351112, 23.807526], [90.354567, 23.809209], [90.353773, 23.809533], [90.353622, 23.810132], [90.354148, 23.810377], [90.354159, 23.810603], [90.354041, 23.81079], [90.353655, 23.810897], [90.353408, 23.810867], [90.352924, 23.813075], [90.35491, 23.813793], [90.35475, 23.814563], [90.354568, 23.814971], [90.356037, 23.815354], [90.357506, 23.815736], [90.357828, 23.815167], [90.358622, 23.815088], [90.358686, 23.813581], [90.35933, 23.812713], [90.361196, 23.812654], [90.362447, 23.814799], [90.363237, 23.815187], [90.366213, 23.815692]]]}",
- "zone": 2
Ward from LatLng
path Parameters
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/ward/90.418619474572/23.83136348674859?key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
[- {
- "Ward": 7
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/get/ward?key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "data": [
- {
- "ward": 15,
- "zone": 1,
- "area": "{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[90.37581,23.737691],[90.376834,23.737794],[90.376266,23.738295],[90.377296,23.738437],[90.378063,23.737651],[90.379264,23.736541],[90.381346,23.736716],[90.380981,23.7376],[90.383492,23.738052],[90.383642,23.738098],[90.382966,23.740853],[90.383631,23.741293],[90.383789,23.741698],[90.384025,23.742373],[90.384326,23.743176],[90.384685,23.744144],[90.385106,23.745332],[90.384224,23.74517],[90.383596,23.745059],[90.382048,23.744679],[90.381716,23.745283],[90.381279,23.746056],[90.380879,23.746759],[90.380402,23.7475],[90.379272,23.749506],[90.378918,23.750157],[90.377215,23.749585],[90.375528,23.749668],[90.375075,23.750562],[90.374576,23.751544],[90.37408,23.752516],[90.373589,23.753488],[90.372869,23.754907],[90.372555,23.754717],[90.37202,23.754399],[90.371191,23.7539],[90.370526,23.753498],[90.369461,23.75283],[90.367799,23.751776],[90.367656,23.751705],[90.36838,23.750606],[90.37044,23.74763],[90.371861,23.745578],[90.372792,23.744237],[90.371662,23.743562],[90.371287,23.743542],[90.370212,23.743606],[90.369494,23.743814],[90.369295,23.743849],[90.368844,23.743666],[90.368754,23.743794],[90.368561,23.743806],[90.368101,23.743904],[90.367815,23.743935],[90.367544,23.743906],[90.367398,23.743847],[90.367173,23.743741],[90.366524,23.743402],[90.366651,23.742953],[90.366734,23.742517],[90.366689,23.741944],[90.366667,23.741628],[90.36682,23.741648],[90.367188,23.741696],[90.367664,23.741753],[90.368514,23.741858],[90.369718,23.742007],[90.370381,23.742358],[90.371274,23.742468],[90.372291,23.742596],[90.372826,23.742437],[90.37328,23.74172],[90.373687,23.741074],[90.374597,23.739631],[90.375657,23.737944],[90.37581,23.737691]]]}"
Specific Ward Geometry
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
ward_number required | number 31 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/get/ward/geometry?api_key=API_KEY&ward_number=31'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "ward": {
- "ward_number": 31,
- "geometry": "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[90.366198, 23.762884], [90.366385, 23.762196], [90.364897, 23.761787], [90.365314, 23.76058], [90.365408, 23.760335], [90.365535, 23.759973], [90.365757, 23.759365], [90.366425, 23.759635], [90.367205, 23.757316], [90.367301, 23.757033], [90.366696, 23.756858], [90.366887, 23.755973], [90.366429, 23.755908], [90.366556, 23.755447], [90.36579, 23.75532], [90.36592, 23.754774], [90.36532, 23.754647], [90.364874, 23.754292], [90.363961, 23.755053], [90.363957, 23.75505], [90.363949, 23.755056], [90.363947, 23.75506], [90.363674, 23.755298], [90.363619, 23.755345], [90.36357, 23.755387], [90.363358, 23.755567], [90.362842, 23.755997], [90.362214, 23.756507], [90.361939, 23.756734], [90.361737, 23.756911], [90.361514, 23.757009], [90.361299, 23.757099], [90.361199, 23.75713], [90.3611, 23.757163], [90.360846, 23.75726], [90.360334, 23.757679], [90.360285, 23.75774], [90.359613, 23.758563], [90.359547, 23.758677], [90.35929, 23.759151], [90.359081, 23.759592], [90.358951, 23.76], [90.358912, 23.760536], [90.358963, 23.760893], [90.358951, 23.76096], [90.358921, 23.761251], [90.35892, 23.761312], [90.358897, 23.761692], [90.358876, 23.761962], [90.35885, 23.76219], [90.35885, 23.762254], [90.358819, 23.762396], [90.358897, 23.762418], [90.359483, 23.762571], [90.360431, 23.762849], [90.360823, 23.762947], [90.361373, 23.763125], [90.361702, 23.763216], [90.361932, 23.763266], [90.362112, 23.763334], [90.362374, 23.763419], [90.362698, 23.7635], [90.362898, 23.763573], [90.363113, 23.763628], [90.363989, 23.763872], [90.364428, 23.763995], [90.365048, 23.764177], [90.365204, 23.764218], [90.365492, 23.764295], [90.365577, 23.764068], [90.365709, 23.763695], [90.365841, 23.763328], [90.365897, 23.763149], [90.365932, 23.763059], [90.366009, 23.762979], [90.366044, 23.762941], [90.366152, 23.762898], [90.366198, 23.762884]]]}"
}, - "status": 200
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/get/zone?key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "data": [
- {
- "zone": 1,
- "area": "{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[90.511637,23.635197],[90.505972,23.636258],[90.505157,23.631819],[90.510607,23.630365],[90.511637,23.635197]]]}"
Zone from LatLng
path Parameters
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/zone/90.418619474572/23.83136348674859?key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
[- {
- "Zone": 2
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/nearby/0.5/10?api_key=API_KEY&longitude=90.38305163&latitude=23.87188719'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "Uttara sector 12 Park",
- "distance_in_meters": 0.00045241879869987946,
- "longitude": 90.383051633835,
- "latitude": 23.871887192063,
- "pType": "Recreation",
- "Address": "Road 11, Sector 12",
- "area": "Uttara",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "postCode": 1230,
- "subType": "PARK",
- "uCode": "OYFR1074",
- "ST_AsText(location)": "POINT(90.383051633835 23.871887192063)"
], - "status": 200
Nearby Api With Category
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
ptype required | string ptype |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/nearby/category/1/10?api_key={{API_KEY}}&longitude=90.36668110638857&latitude=23.83723803415923&ptype=School'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 487287,
- "name": "Kids Time Mirpur Dohs",
- "distance_in_meters": "273.35821539",
- "longitude": "90.36803662776947",
- "latitude": "23.839360828986447",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "ST_AsText(location)": "POINT(90.36803662776947 23.839360828986447)",
- "pType": "Education",
- "subType": "Daycare, Special School",
- "postCode": "1216",
- "Address": "Kids Time Mirpur Dohs, House 925, Road 13A, Mirpur DOHS, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "uCode": "QTJM5353"
Nearby Api With Multiple types
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
q required | string q |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/nearby/multi/type/5/5?api_key={{API_KEY}}&q=School,ATM&longitude=90.36668110638857&latitude=23.83723803415923'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 1774563,
- "name": "Shibpur School",
- "distance_in_meters": "348.27006271",
- "longitude": "90.368641270246",
- "latitude": "23.834669948069",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "ST_AsText(location)": "POINT(90.368641270246 23.834669948069)",
- "pType": "Education",
- "subType": "School",
- "postCode": "1216",
- "Address": "Shibpur School, House 263, Road 3, Mirpur DOHS, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "uCode": "CHDA0183"
], - "status": 200
Point in Polygon
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
point | string 90.41697542000593,23.780273491928714 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/point-in-polygon?api_key=API_KEY' \ --form 'point="90.41697542000593,23.780273491928714"'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Point not inside polygon",
- "status": 200,
- "data": null
Set geofence point
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
name required | string Songsodh vaban |
radius required | number 70 |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
message | string |
status | integer Default: 200 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request POST 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/set-geo-fence-point?api_key=API_KEY&latitude=23.76245538673939&longitude=90.37852866512583&name=Songsodh vaban&radius=70'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Geo fence point added",
- "status": 200
Get geo fence points
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
message | string |
status | integer Default: 200 |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/get-geo-fence-points?api_key=API_KEY'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Geo fence points",
- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "65475dbad1e00",
- "name": "Songsodh vaban",
- "radius": 55,
- "longitude": "90.37852866512583",
- "latitude": "23.76245538673939",
- "user_id": 2978
}, - {
- "id": "65701af5854b8",
- "name": "Songsodh vaban",
- "radius": 70,
- "longitude": "90.37852866512583",
- "latitude": "23.76245538673939",
- "user_id": 2978
Get geo fence point by id
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
message | string |
status | integer Default: 200 |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/get-geo-fence-point/65475dbad1e00?api_key=API_KEY'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Geo fence points",
- "status": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "65475dbad1e00",
- "name": "Songsodh vaban",
- "radius": 55,
- "longitude": "90.37852866512583",
- "latitude": "23.76245538673939",
- "user_id": 2978
}, - {
- "id": "65701af5854b8",
- "name": "Songsodh vaban",
- "radius": 70,
- "longitude": "90.37852866512583",
- "latitude": "23.76245538673939",
- "user_id": 2978
Update Geofence point by id
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
radius required | number 70 |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
message | string |
status | integer Default: 200 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request POST 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/update-geo-fence-point/65475dbad1e00?api_key=API_KEY&radius=55'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Geo fence point updated",
- "status": 200
Delete Geofence point by id
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
radius required | number 70 |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
message | string |
status | integer Default: 200 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request DELETE 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/delete-geo-fence-point/65473a46ad910?api_key=API_KEY&radius=55'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Geo fence point deleted",
- "status": 200
Check geo fence
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
message | string |
status | integer Default: 200 |
object |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/check-geo-fence?api_key=API_KEY&latitude=23.762412943322726&longitude=90.37864864706823'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "Inside geo fence",
- "status": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": "635085",
- "name": "Songsodh vaban",
- "radius": "55",
- "longitude": "90.37852866512583",
- "latitude": "23.76245538673939",
- "user_id": 2978
City Corporation by Geolocation
path Parameters
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
Request samples
- Curl;
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v2/api/search/dncc/90.418619474572/23.83136348674859?key={{API_KEY}}'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "dncc",
- "status": 200
Reverse Geocoding
This API initially returns id, address, area, city, distance_within_meters without any additional call
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
country_code | string The two-letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) representing the desired country. Example: Default Value: |
district | boolean true |
post_code | boolean true |
country | boolean true |
sub_district | boolean true |
union | boolean true |
pauroshova | boolean true |
location_type | boolean true |
division | boolean true |
address | boolean true |
area | boolean true |
bangla | boolean true |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/reverse/API_KEY/geocode?longitude=90.36744611263278&latitude=23.81970957278533&district=true&post_code=true&country=true&sub_district=true&union=true&pauroshova=true&location_type=true&division=true&address=true&area=true&bangla=true'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "place": {
- "id": 6488,
- "distance_within_meters": 3.6856,
- "address": "House 8, Road 2, Block C, Section 2, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "postCode": "1216",
- "address_bn": "বাড়ি ৮, রোড ২, ব্লক সি, সেকশন ২, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "area_bn": "মিরপুর",
- "city_bn": "ঢাকা",
- "country": "বাংলাদেশ",
- "division": "ঢাকা",
- "district": "ঢাকা",
- "sub_district": "পল্লবী",
- "pauroshova": null,
- "union": null,
- "location_type": "শহর",
- "address_components": {
- "place_name": null,
- "house": "House 8",
- "road": "Road 2"
}, - "area_components": {
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "sub_area": "Section 2"
}, - "thana": "Mirpur",
- "thana_bn": "মিরপুর"
}, - "status": 200
Reverse Geocoding Server
This API initially returns id, address, area, city, distance_within_meters without any additional call
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
district | boolean true |
post_code | boolean true |
country | boolean true |
sub_district | boolean true |
union | boolean true |
pauroshova | boolean true |
location_type | boolean true |
division | boolean true |
address | boolean true |
area | boolean true |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/reverse/geocode/server/API_KEY/place?longitude=90.36744611263278&latitude=23.81970957278533&district=true&post_code=true&country=true&sub_district=true&union=true&pauroshova=true&location_type=true&division=true&address=true&area=true'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "place": {
- "id": 534001,
- "distance_within_meters": 3.9083,
- "address": "House 20, Avenue 3, Lane 25, Block D, Section 11",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "postCode": 1216,
- "country": "Bangladesh",
- "division": "Dhaka",
- "sub_district": "Pallabi",
- "district": "Dhaka",
- "pauroshova": null,
- "union": null,
- "location_type": "Urban",
- "address_components": {
- "place_name": null,
- "house": "House 20",
- "road": "Avenue 3"
}, - "area_components": {
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "sub_area": "Section 11"
}, - "status": 200
Barikoi Autocomplete return's a place's id, longitude, latitude, address, city, area, postCode, pType & uCode
query Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
q required | string q |
country_code | string The two-letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) representing the desired country. Example: Default Value: |
city | string dhaka |
area | string Mirpur |
sub_district | boolean true |
thana | boolean true |
union | boolean true |
sub_area | boolean true |
bangla | boolean true |
post_office | boolean true |
industrial | boolean true |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/autocomplete/API_KEY/place?q=nabisco&city=dhaka&post_office=true&industrial=true&bangla=true'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 882513,
- "longitude": 90.39752920000001,
- "latitude": 23.726055300000002,
- "address": "Dhaka Medical College Hospital",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "area": "Dhaka University Campus",
- "postCode": 1000,
- "pType": "Healthcare",
- "uCode": "BXXK5816"
], - "status": 200
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/distance/API_KEY/90.357238,23.806672/90.357252,23.811626'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "Distance": "0.8081 KM",
- "status": 200
Rupantor Geocoder
Rupantor Geocoder API for Developers. It formats the given address and searches for the address and gives a status if the address is complete or not. Rupantor Geocoder only supports FormData. So use FormData object to send your data. Rupantor Geocoder needs Geocode API to fucntion properly. One Rupantor Geocoder request requires two Geocode API requests.
path Parameters
API_KEY required | string API_KEY |
Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
q required | string matikata rd basa 572/k barikoi |
thana | boolean yes |
district | boolean yes |
bangla | boolean yes |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/API_KEY/rupantor/geocode' \ --form 'q="matikata rd basa 572/k barikoi"' \ --form 'thana="yes"' \ --form 'district="yes"' \ --form 'bangla="yes"'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "given_address": "shawrapara",
- "fixed_address": "shewrapara, mirpur",
- "bangla_address": "শেওড়াপাড়া কবরস্থান, ইস্ট শেওড়াপাড়া, শেওড়াপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "address_status": "incomplete",
- "geocoded_address": {
- "Address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "address_bn": "শেওড়াপাড়া কবরস্থান, ইস্ট শেওড়াপাড়া, শেওড়াপাড়া, মিরপুর, ঢাকা",
- "alternate_address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "area": "Mirpur",
- "area_bn": "মিরপুর",
- "bounds": "POLYGON((90.37576053 23.79175613,90.37567053 23.79184613,90.37558053 23.79175613,90.37567053 23.79166613,90.37576053 23.79175613))",
- "business_name": "Shewrapara Koborsthan",
- "city": "Dhaka",
- "city_bn": "ঢাকা",
- "created_at": "2018-02-06T14:43:12",
- "district": "Dhaka",
- "geo_location": [
- 90.37567053,
- 23.79175613
], - "holding_number": null,
- "id": 221788,
- "latitude": "23.79175613",
- "location": "23.79175613,90.37567053",
- "location_shape": "POINT (90.37567053 23.79175613)",
- "longitude": "90.37567053",
- "match_freq": 10,
- "match_fuzzy": 0,
- "matching_diff": 1,
- "new_address": "Shewrapara Koborsthan, East Shewrapara, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka",
- "pType": "Religious Place",
- "place_code": "TOLJ0109",
- "popularity_ranking": 1,
- "postCode": 1216,
- "postcode": 1216,
- "road_name_number": null,
- "score": 0,
- "subType": "Graveyard",
- "sub_area": "Shewrapara",
- "sub_district": "Kafrul",
- "sub_type": "Graveyard",
- "super_sub_area": "East Shewrapara",
- "thana": "Kafrul",
- "type": "Religious Place",
- "uCode": "TOLJ0109",
- "union": null,
- "unions": null,
- "updated_at": "2023-10-18T15:20:11",
- "user_id": 1273
}, - "confidence_score_percentage": 70,
- "status": 200
This api provides routing details for two location points.
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
coordinates required | string String of format |
query Parameters
geometries | string Default: "polyline" Returned route geometry format (influences overview and per step). Expected values are, |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location --request GET 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/route/API_KEY/90.362548828125,23.94107556246209;90.31585693359375,24.134221690669204?geometries=polyline'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "code": "OK",
- "routes": [
- {
- "geometry": "bqCmhpfPdMaDqEqO`U}MiFc`BueAjZonBlGisJs_@uh@gManAeJaaBzGsZbQ}v@jsAw`@jwAqt@p`BiBtjAvZzhAga@fAmXbQoi@mmA{vA~Ly`CfE",
- "legs": [
- {
- "steps": [ ],
- "distance": 31580.5,
- "duration": 5011.5,
- "summary": "string",
- "weight": 5011.5
], - "distance": 31580.5,
- "duration": 5011.5,
- "weight_name": "routability",
- "weight": 5011.5
], - "waypoints": [
- {
- "distance": 189.684241,
- "name": null,
- "location": [
- 90.364394,
- 23.940838
Snap to Road
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
point required | string Example: point=23.80474653651567,90.36288913339376 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/routing/API_KEY/matching?points=90.38436119310136,23.7267599142696%3B90.38438265469962,23.726622279057658'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "coordinates": [
- 90.36288583910802,
- 23.80475086627028
], - "distance": 0.5866113852736488,
- "type": "Point"
Route match
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
points required | string Example: points=90.38436119310136,23.7267599142696;90.38438265469962,23.726622279057658 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/routing/API_KEY/matching?points=90.38436119310136,23.7267599142696%3B90.38438265469962,23.726622279057658'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "geometry": {
- "coordinates": [
- [
- 90.384425,
- 23.726761
], - [
- 90.384427,
- 23.726622
], - "type": "LineString"
}, - "distance": 15.5,
- "status": 200
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
q required | string dhaka |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/API_KEY/districts?q=Dhaka'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 34,
- "name": "Khulna",
- "center": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[89.447847757,22.470878222]}"
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
q required | string khilgaon |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/API_KEY/sub_districts?q=Khilgaon'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 340,
- "name": "Mirpur",
- "district": "Dhaka",
- "center": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[90.361755984,23.794160142]}"
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
q required | string dhaka |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/API_KEY/cities?q=Dhaka'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "name": "Dhaka",
- "areas": [
- {
- "name": "Moghbazar"
}, - {
- "name": "Dhaka Cantonment"
}, - {
- "name": "Gendaria"
}, - {
- "name": "Sher E Bangla Nagar"
}, - {
- "name": "Tejgaon"
}, - {
- "name": "Banasree"
}, - {
- "name": "Dakkhinkhan"
}, - {
- "name": "Mohakhali"
}, - {
- "name": "Joldhaka",
- "areas": [
- { }
], - "status": 200
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
query Parameters
q required | string abaipur |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/API_KEY/unions?q=Abaipur'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "places": [
- {
- "id": 1440,
- "name": "Dhaka Dakkhin",
- "sub_district": "Golabganj",
- "center": "{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[92.035110667,24.811296741]}"
Ward by Geolocation
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/ward/API_KEY/90.357238/23.806672'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
[- {
- "Ward": 7
Zone by Geolocation
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/zone/API_KEY/90.357238/23.806672'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
[- {
- "Zone": 2
Ward Zone by Geolocation
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/ward/zone/API_KEY/90.357238/23.806672'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "ward": 7,
- "ward area": "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[90.366213, 23.815692], [90.366953, 23.812939], [90.367616, 23.810559], [90.367781, 23.809919], [90.367905, 23.809467], [90.368214, 23.808347], [90.368475, 23.807438], [90.368488, 23.807388], [90.368568, 23.807089], [90.368485, 23.807074], [90.367573, 23.806866], [90.366942, 23.806706], [90.366865, 23.806684], [90.366787, 23.806672], [90.366232, 23.80652], [90.365963, 23.806441], [90.365687, 23.806311], [90.365108, 23.806016], [90.364421, 23.805636], [90.363533, 23.805096], [90.362932, 23.804733], [90.362015, 23.804151], [90.360848, 23.803413], [90.35955, 23.802584], [90.358351, 23.801803], [90.357756, 23.801423], [90.357077, 23.800988], [90.356745, 23.800775], [90.356026, 23.800323], [90.355967, 23.800281], [90.355285, 23.799847], [90.355065, 23.800176], [90.35476, 23.800618], [90.354457, 23.801035], [90.353916, 23.801826], [90.353375, 23.802613], [90.352968, 23.803212], [90.352523, 23.803857], [90.352153, 23.804365], [90.351777, 23.804927], [90.351689, 23.80518], [90.351641, 23.805388], [90.351569, 23.806026], [90.351112, 23.807526], [90.354567, 23.809209], [90.353773, 23.809533], [90.353622, 23.810132], [90.354148, 23.810377], [90.354159, 23.810603], [90.354041, 23.81079], [90.353655, 23.810897], [90.353408, 23.810867], [90.352924, 23.813075], [90.35491, 23.813793], [90.35475, 23.814563], [90.354568, 23.814971], [90.356037, 23.815354], [90.357506, 23.815736], [90.357828, 23.815167], [90.358622, 23.815088], [90.358686, 23.813581], [90.35933, 23.812713], [90.361196, 23.812654], [90.362447, 23.814799], [90.363237, 23.815187], [90.366213, 23.815692]]]}",
- "zone": 2
City Corporation by Geolocation
path Parameters
api_key required | string API_KEY |
longitude required | number 90.35722628659195 |
latitude required | number 23.806703092211507 |
Request samples
- Curl;
- Python
- Node
curl --location 'https://barikoi.xyz/v1/api/search/dncc/API_KEY/90.357238/23.806672'
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 429
{- "message": "dncc",
- "status": 200